Insurans Hayat Cares’ team brings festive cheer to children at Cancer Ward, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Special appearance by Upin & Ipin further adds to the excitement
Kuala Lumpur, 17 February 2015 - The Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM) represented by its Insurans Hayat Cares team today brought a pleasant surprise to about 40 children at the Paediatric Unit, Oncology Ward of Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL). Headed by LIAM’s President, Mr. Vincent Kwo, the Insurans Hayat Cares team brought smiles to the faces of the children when they brought in goodie bags with loads of presents and the famous Upin & Ipin mascots to their hospital beds.
“It’s like a dream come true for the children. They usually get to see Upin & Ipin animated characters on television, video or on electronic gadgets but today it was a real life experience of coming up close with Upin & Ipin mascots who brought much excitement to the children. They were thrilled to see the real Upin & Ipin in action and were overjoyed with their antics and performances,” said Mr. Kwo.
To add more fun and excitement to the infants, children and teenagers aged up to 15, the Insurans Hayat Cares team distributed goodie bags containing plush toys, teddy bears, story books, coin boxes, stationaries, toiletries, towels, tumblers as well as Upin & Ipin merchandises to the children and their caretakers. They were also given the opportunity to have a photo taken with Upin & Ipin and spent time with Upin & Ipin at their hospital beds.
“It really touches our hearts to see the kids smiling and laughing as we present them the gift items as some of them may be celebrating Chinese New Year in the hospital,” he added.
“The visit to the children cancer ward is one of the community service initiatives undertaken by the Insurans Hayat Cares’ platform in line with its objective to be more engaging with the society and to fulfill its commitment as a responsible corporate citizen. We believe the spirit of sharing, caring and giving should be an integral part of the life insurance business and we should spread the message of love all year round,” he reiterated.
Cancer has been identified as one of the community service projects under the Insurans Hayat Cares platform. In conjunction with LIAM’s 40th anniversary in 2014, LIAM took its community service programme to the next level through the Insurans Hayat Cares to raise awareness on Cancer and Cancer education. LIAM collaborated with Cancer Research Initiatives Foundation (CARIF) via the printing and distribution of the “Be Frank” cancer awareness booklets and sponsored a team of runners at the Terry Fox Run 2014 in aid of cancer research in Malaysia.
Over the last 40 years, apart from being a leading insurance association in the country, LIAM also played its part in giving back to the community via its Life Insurance Day. It started back in 1991, when LIAM contributed to the underprivileged and the needy in different parts of the community, covering the people from all walks of life. Since then, this project has been celebrated on a yearly basis with a myriad of activities ranging from blood donation, contributions to orphanages, old folk homes, outward bound activities for teenagers, gotong-royong and many more.